Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Hadley at 18(ish) months!



 Hadley Ann is 18 months.
I figured I hadn't updated about Hadley in quite some time and that it would be nice for me to be able to remember the details about her life after the first year. I won't update every month like I try and do the first 12 months but at least every 6 months would be nice for my own memories sake.
Hadley, baby you have changed and grown so much in these past 6 months.
~Weight 22lbs
~Wearing 12-18 month clothes, size 3 diapers, and size 4 shoes.
~Your vocabulary has exploded and you have really started the copy cat phase of repeating everything we say.
~ You love being a big sister and giving Brinks kisses but most of the time you just ignore her.
~ You got a puppy recently and you love teasing her until she jumps on you to play.
~ You are walking super well and will even try and run (which is adorable) and you are starting to walk up steps.
~We've intorduced the potty to you and you seem interested but we are just starting slow.
~Your hair is finally long enough to do a good pony tail and cute little pigtails.
~You LOVE being outside and even enjoy playing in the dirt....when mommy will let you.
~You love being stubborn and sometimes your "personality" makes mommy laugh even when you are being naughty. One of your favorite things to do is when I start counting becuase you are not obeying, after I say one, you always look up and say 2!!!
~You are learning your ABC's and 123's but your stubborness shines through there too....When we ask you how old you are you hold up one finger and say 2! You refuse to say 1 and you think it's pretty funny!

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