Sunday, October 17, 2010

My favorite People

I love being able to come to Iowa and just hang out with my favorite people. Now when I come visit Mia has school. So that means Jace gets a LOT of my attention. As you can see by the pictures. Unfortunately my camera wouldn't turn on when I got here so I only have a few pictures and they are all from my phone, so the quality is not very good.

Jace playing

Jace and his AWESOME sense of style!!!

Ready for church

Playing in the leaves~! (of course he made a lovely mess after daddy raked the leaves)

Mia in her cute school clothes! ($.99 for the skirt- awesome deal)

On our date-The park and ice cream!


Ok, So I TOTALLy stink at blogging. Oh well, life is busy. Most people know what is going on in my life from facebook but I will write about it here too! Lots of things are going on at this point.
First we are looking for a house, I don't have a good picture but here is the house we have an offer on at this time. (short sale offer which means anything but short)
Our two duplex's that we own are also on the market to sell still and have been for almost two years. We have been wanting to get rid of them anyway but in the past two weeks are need and want to get rid of them has grown SO much. We are currently being sued by one of our renters. Long story and anther post. We have done nothing wrong and trying our hardest to take care of the problem without paying lawyers and going to court although with as tough as this lady is fighting and as ridiculous as she is being it doesn't seem like that is going to happen.

On an upside or a downside however you take it. I am looking into finding a labor and delivery job even if that means moving. We aren't totally set on anything and we are definitely looking to God to direct us. We are not pulling out the offer on our house, but we are starting to look at our options in other states. Right now the two besides Colorado are Texas and Iowa. If we get this house in Colorado we will take that as God keeping us here at least for now. Any and ALL prayers would be appreciated. ( my mom is praying we stay in Colorado because she doesn't want her favorite kid to move away ;) hee hee) And if anyone hears of any L&D jobs that hire without OB nursing experience I would be glad to know!