Monday, February 13, 2012

Working, working, working.

        I love to read other blogs especially about mothers and their stories of life. One I particularly enjoy is Kelly's Korner. Every Friday she does a 'Show us your life' post that allows readers to link up their own blog. I'm a few days behind but her last "Show us your life' post was for Working Mom's. I thought that since this is such a big part of my life that I would link up and give a little information about my life working full time and being a mom. I am so very lucky to have a husband who helps out so much. Due to the INCREDIBLY RIDICULOUS HIGH cost of child care we try to watch Hadley as much ourselves as we can.(Don't get me wrong we have an incredibly sweet, caring, trustworthy lady from church watching her on the days we can't.) For the most part I am able to work Mon, Tues, and Sat. Therefore we only have to use a sitter two days a week. (I work three 12 hour shifts a week) Joe is able to watch Hadley since he works Mon-Fri. I also have an incredibly generous, loving mother who helps us out throughout the month by coming down and watching our sweet baby. This is such a huge blessing. Not only is it free but Hadley gets special one on one Grandma time and we get our house cleaned and supper made. She definitely goes above and beyond in every area. I hope I can be half the mom to my kids! My husband also makes sure to have supper ready when I get home on the days I work. I would say I am pretty lucky.
Grandma and Hadley
       I work as an RN at an Acute Specialty Hospital. It is a fun job with a lot of interesting experiences. I enjoy my job but would much rather be at home raising my sweet baby. Hopefully someday we can make that happen. Working brings certain difficulties to the home, such as doing housework, cleaning, and just running a home. On my days off that is the LAST thing I want to do. I would much rather spend my time hanging out with my sweet baby girl. So needless to say our house is not NEAR as clean as it was before having a baby not to mention there is baby stuff EVERYWHERE!!! haha But I absolutely love it and wouldn't trade being a mom for anything.
Grandma and Hadley matching!
       As a nursing mom I also have to find time to pump while I am at work so that my baby can eat. Being a nurse can make that a very difficult task on some days. Even finding 10 or 15 min can be almost impossible. I do the best I can and so far it has been working out. Which is good because formula is another thing that is ridiculously expensive. I hope to someday be able to stay at home and work on a PRN schedule. I want to be the type of mom who is there when the kids leave and home when the kids get home from school. I also want to be able to be involved in the classroom and go on field trips. My  mom worked part time and was able to be involved when we were in school and I really enjoyed that.
Hadley visiting me at work.
      I have huge shoes to fill if I ever want to live up to my mom's reputation but I will do what I can to be a good mom to my sweet Hadley.

~If anyone wants to donate a million dollars or so to me I wouldn't turn ya down! ha



  1. I enjoyed your post very much. I hope you will be able to stay home with your daughter soon. I had a question regarding your job. I am looking into changing my career from teaching to nursing due to the long shifts that would allow me to be with my kids more and I was wondering if nursing has good retirement/health benefits. I would greatly appreciate any info/advice.

  2. Thanks. I am not super educated on the retirement plan stuff but I know they offer an equivalent to a 401k. As far the health benefits go each place differs but I think that my health benefits are pretty good. The cover what we need and they don't take all of our money. Ha. I like working as a nurse and working 12 hour shifts because it gives me 4 whole days every week at home with my baby. Also, if I need a few extra dollars a particular week I can always sign up for an extra shift. I think it is an awesome career if you have to work. Good luck to you!

  3. Thank you so much for your response. I will definitely look into it. Since I already have my bachelors I found a program where I finish and be RN/BSN in one year which is doable since we do not have any children yet. It is hard to decide if the extra money invested would pay off but I would honestly do it just for the long shifts since now I pretty much work from 6 AM (wake up at 5) to 4:00 PM (get home at 5). I wish you the best and thanks again!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I enjoyed your post very much. I hope you will be able to stay home with your daughter soon. I had a question regarding your job. I am looking into changing my career from teaching to nursing due to the long shifts that would allow me to be with my kids more and I was wondering if nursing has good retirement/health benefits. I would greatly appreciate any info/advice.

