Sunday, April 1, 2012

5 Months

Hadley Ann Struska 4~1~2012 
You would think it would be easier to update my blog more than once a month. Ha Oh well, working full time, being a mom 24/7, church and other activities are filling my life. I can't believe how time just keeps flying. This past month was a month of many obvious changes. Hadley is growing up. (even though she is still on the small side)
Hadley's Highlights:
~Continues to wear size 1 diapers (hoping that changes really soon so we don't have to buy more and we can start using up the 5 large boxes of size 2
~Wearing 0-3, 3, and 3-6 month clothes. The 3-6 are mostly for length.
~Sleeping through the night again! HALLELUIAH!!!
~Starting to talk a lot more
~Rolling over more and more
~Starting to schooch her butt up to crawl
~Working on sitting up. (She lasts for about 10 seconds)
~Starting to grab at things and just see things a lot more
~Developed Church Nursery Anxiety :(
~Possible starting to suck her thumb. She does it a lot one day then not so much the next. However she still enjoys her paci and her hands. If she could get both hands and her paci in her mouth all at one time, she would.
~Loves her Taggie Blanket
~Sleeps on her side or belly (she rolls over by herself)
~Recognizing people she knows. Ex. Grandma, Grandpa, Friends from Church. Which also means she's developed a little bit of stranger anxiety. 
~Started eating solid foods other than rice cereal. She's only tried Carrots so far and seems to enjoy them enough.
~Took her first flight and long car ride and did exceptional! Flew to Indiana to visit Aunt Becky and Uncle Roger with mom and Grandma, then drove to Iowa to visit Josh, Mick, Mia, and Jace.
~Hadley is developing such a littler personality and we are absolutely in love with her! (that personality has a little bit of attitude that we are starting to see coming through too)

Love love love her eyes in this picture!!!

First actual trip to the zoo where she got to come out and see the animals. She was less than impressed as you can see. She fell asleep shortly after this and slept most of the time we were there. haha Someday she'll enjoy it.

 Side note: This post would have been up much earlier in the day but I realized when uploading the pictures that we took the calendar pictures on March, not April and Hadley was taking a nap. So we had to wait until after church and had to change her back into  her dress. Oy haha

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