Sunday, July 1, 2012

8 Months

Hadley Ann Struska
Wow, you are 8 months old today! You are 2/3 of the way to being a year old. It's unbelievable how much more you notice time going by when you have a little baby. And you also notice the slightest changes in that little person. You have reached so many milestones this past month you seem to be turning into a toddler quickly. 
Brazilian Bath

~Size 2 Diapers
~Mostly 3-6 month clothes but also some 6-9 month
~The biggest thing you did this month was go out of the country. We had a 3 hour flight to Washington and then a 9 hour flight to Brazil and back. And you did spectacular. I still can't believe how well you traveled. You were so good and slept most of the flights. You had so much fun meeting your cousins and aunt and uncle. 
~You also managed to master crawling while we were gone, even though you weren't allowed to be down much because of the floors

 ~You have started pulling yourself up on EVERYTHING you can. You even take steps with your walking toy. I tried to get a video but you were very stubborn and stopped every time I tried.
~You continue to try new foods and eat fairly well. You had your first french fry and more ice cream than any baby should consume while you were in Brazil. 
~You are now able to entertain yourself for awhile by yourself with a bucket full of toys. 
~You have started being much more vocal but no actual words yet.
~You still love your paci and are really starting to bond with your bottle.
~You love swimming.

As you can see she is very active and has no interest in sitting there for a picture or two.

~You like the people you know well and are pretty shy around the ones you don't know.
~You love to laugh and are turning into such a sweet little girl with a hint of stubbornness and attitude. 
Me and daddy were just talking about how much we LOVE our little family and how we can't remember what it was like before you, nor do we want to. We love you to the end of the earth and back!


  1. Thanks for the post. She is so special. I am so thankful to live in the day of computers and cell phones. They make me crazy, but then I would never know what is happening with things I care about in my world. Already praying for her salvation. I know she is to little, but am praying for her heart to be tender towards the Lord.

  2. Thanks. It is very nice to be able to keep in touch with people. This comment said it is from anonymous. Care to reveal yourself? haha

  3. Awww!!! Still cute as a button:-) I am glad to see she is finally fitting into some of the outfits I got her:-) suprised to see her still in 3-6 mos! Love the updates!
