Saturday, January 4, 2014

Brinkster is 10 months old!

As is the same each month I'm shocked at how quickly it goes by and the new things you choose to do! It's so much fun watching you grow and learn new things and especially fun to see you interact with your sister. You love your sister but my oh my are the two of you different. A few new things. 
-you celebrated your first Christmas, which you enjoyed despite having no idea what was going on. 
- you are getting closer to walking. You walk around anything you can and have been caught standing alone for long periods. 
- you are finally getting a few more teeth. 
- you LOVE LOVE LOVE to eat, anything and everything
- you cry when it's time to be done eating, so hard sometimes you turn blue and pass out. You are quite the drama queen. 
- you also cry during baths... You hate them. (Which could be because you were standing holding the cold handle when you slipped and turned the cold water into your face as you went completely under)
- you love to follow your sister and get into her toys
- you can out eat your sister as well. 
- you are no longer the youngest cousin since Baby Ashton came along
- you finally stayed in the church nursery for more than 10 min. 
- you still love to cuddle and love your paci. 

- you still like mom the most but are finally opening up to a few other people 

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