Thursday, April 16, 2015

Mayzie Audrey Struska

Mayzie Audrey was born March 16, 2015 at 2:15am after about 10 hours of labor. We headed to the hospital on Sunday March 15 in th afternoon to get checked out because we though my water was leaking. Unfortunately for moa it wasn't and they planned to strip my membranes and send me home since they thought I was only 1cm. The doctor went to strip my membranes and realized I was actually 5cm and after stripping my membranes my contractions picked up so they kept me. Emerson was still up high and not engaged so they let me labor awhile and then started pitocin to try and get her to come down before they broke my water. They were afraid to break my water with her still high for fear of a prolapsed cord. After several hours and increasing the pitocin a ton, she still hadn't come down and I had only increased to 6cm. So I opted for an epidural before breaking my water. Literally seconds after the epidural was in the doctor broke my water and out came tons and tons of amniotic fluid. The nurse, doctor, and anesthesiologist all commented on how they had NEVER seen that much fluid. Well 30 very painful minutes later I had gone from 6cm-10cm and my epidural was only working on the right side. I didn't feel any pressure to push so we waited another 30 minutes to let the epidural wear off a little so I could maybe feel to push. It's amazing how much pain you can feel without feeling the pressure to push. 30 minutes was too long to try and wait it out so I opted to try pushing. I didn't even get to start pushing before her head was already starting to come out. Two contractions and two pushes later and "little" miss Emerson was here with a head full of super dark hair weighing 9# 4.5oz and 20.5in long. She's perfect and healthy. 
Hadley and Brinkley came to meet Emerson later in the afternoon and were completely smitten!!! 

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