Monday, November 14, 2011

Welcome Hadley to the blog world!

@ 8:06pm
7#4oz 20in

  Just a little bit of Hadley's birth story. On November 1st I went to work as usual. I arrived to the 6th floor around 7am. I started my day off like every other day, introducing myself to my patients and talking about the baby and when I was due (someone even said to me, "your water could just break right now) As I was walking down the hall to see a patient I felt a very small gush of water. I wasn't too alarmed but more curious as to if it was actually something happening. Mind you I had been having contractions for weeks so that was not a sign for me. I kept on working for a bit more then approached my manager to let her know I may have to leave early. After our morning huddle I decided I probably should at least run downstairs to get checked. I finished my last assessment ( I hate leaving my work for others) and headed down to 3rd floor. I called Joe (my husband) to let him know he should probably come on over but I didn't know if anything was actually happening. I also called my mom so she could be on standby in case it was the real thing. I got checked in and as I had thought my water was leaking, not broken, just leaking some so they had to admit me. (YAY!!!!) My mom headed down and my husband arrived. Not too long after his arrival they started an IV and moved me into my Labor and Delivery room. Around noon my doctor stopped in to say hi and tell me the plan for the day. (side note) My doctor had taken this day off to celebrate his own daughters birthday but he came in anyway to see me and let me know when he would be available and when he wouldn't. At this time my doctor broke my water. What a WEIRD feeling. And so labor began. I did okay for awhile. Walked the halls a few times, walked around the room but the contractions became stronger and stronger with no way to relieve the pain.

The view from our room

Around 3 or 4 the nurse came in and checked me and said that the MD would like to start a small dose of pitocin since I wasn't progressing very quickly. The thought of my contractions getting worse with the pitocin scared me, so I opted to go ahead and get an epidural. Getting the epidural was the most embarrassing point in the day. I know you are not supposed to move and for some reason while he was putting the IV catheter in place I jumped, which made him have to start over and made me start bawling like a baby. I felt very out of control of everything for those few minutes and I did not like it. Once the epidural was in place things settled down a bit and I started to relax. However, a few minutes later I could still feel the unbearable pain in my lower right side. The nurse told me that sometimes there are pockets that the medicine won't work in. (WHAT?!?!?) There was no relief from the contractions and now I couldn't get out of bed or do anything but lay there. I pushed my pain button a few times with no help. Finally around 5-6 the nurse asked if I would like an additional bolus from the anesthesiologist, which I gladly accepted. Finally, around 6 I believe I had some relief from my contractions. I fell asleep for a little bit which was a nice little break.  At 7pm I started to feel quite a bit of pressure and like I was ready to push. My nurse checked me and said I was fully dilated and effaced. My doctor was unavailable from 5-7 so she had to check to see if we should go on without him or if he was going to come in. The nurse let me push through a few contractions and even brought a mirror in so I could see her head. (maybe gross to some but totally amazing to see). My own doctor arrived at 7:25. It was such a relief to see him, what perfect timing. At about 7:30 he was ready and I was able to start pushing. I pushed for 36 min and at 8:06pm little Hadley arrived. Head first, then a hand popped out waving hello to the world. While the doctor finished up she was laid on my chest. It was so unreal, yet SO amazing that my baby girl was finally here and I could see her face.

First Family Picture
The proud daddy!

Grandma and her new grandaughter

My mom and husband were both in the room with me the whole time and they were amazing. They both helped out so much and did exactly what I needed them to do without me having to ask. It is such a blessing to have such an amazing mom and husband that get along so well. 
After the birth when Hadley went to get her bath in the nursery, I tried to pass out a few times on the nurses and my mom. Luckily they reacted quickly so I only got as far as feeling like I was in a tunnel and starting to black out. 
Uncle Caleb meeting Hadley just minutes after birth.

Grandpa meeting Hadley!

Aunt Stacia meeting Hadley

First Bath

She LOVES getting her hair washed!

First flower less than an hour after being born!

Hadley meeting her cousin Jace. He absolutely LOVED her!

Mia and Hadley meeting. She would have held her the entire time they were here if we would have let her.

Hadley meeting Uncle Josh!

Home with my sweet little family!

( sorry for such a long post)


1 comment:

  1. Such a cute story!!! It was soo fun to read! :) Thanks for sharing your precious story!!
