Thursday, December 1, 2011

One Month

My sweet baby girl is One whole month old today. I can not believe that much time has already gone by. I knew I loved her when I was pregnant, but I truly did not understand how much love one person can have for another until she was born and I can not even imagine what life would be like without her now that I have her here in my arms. 
Sweet Baby Hadley, you are one month old today! A few things about your life right now.
~You are wearing Newborn size clothes. 
~Newborn size diapers
~You probably weigh close to 8lbs now.
~You eat every 2-3 hours during the day but go anywhere from 5-8 hours at night.
~You love your sleep just like your mamma
~You are starting to track and keep eye contact longer
~You are awake a lot more of the day now.
~You light up daddy and mommy's life. We love just watching you and talking to you. You are very mild tempered and only really cry when you are hungry or have gas. Although I would love time to freeze I can't wait to see what new things you will do this next month. We love you baby girl!

You also went swimming for the first time today. You just sat a little bit in the water, but you didn't seem to mind much. Hopefully you will grow to love the water. 

1 comment:

  1. that is soooo crazy how time flies!!! I have got to get down and see that little girl!
